Won’t you join us?
Creation does not take place
where there is a scattering and dissipation of energies.
Creation requires a gathering together and focusing
of your power within a circle of commitment -
like a seed, an egg, a womb or a marriage…
Consider wisely the ways in which you would
use your power and then around those ways
draw the sacred circle of commitment.
In the warm atmosphere of that circle, the power
of love builds like a storm above the wet summer
prairie until suddenly the circle can hold no more
and explodes in the conception of the new.
This fire is more powerful than any one of you."
White Buffalo Calf Woman, from Return of the Bird Tribes, byKen Carey
While we will most often be meeting virtually, OWEL is a real place! Not a walled, roofed, structured place, but a circle that can gracefully expand and contract to hold exactly what is up for you at any time. We are a real place, because we are a membership community, a safe and familiar place for you to show up with women you come to know. For us, coming together in this community is a joyful expression of us being the change we want to see in the world. It is important to us to come together both in a visionary way that will uplift us, and also in practical ways that will allow us all to be fully grounded.
Our business model reflects our vision, and allows us all to support the gifts of those who step forward into the circle, as well as those of us being served. We share opportunity and responsibility in coming together. We want to provide strong roots for all of us and support each others’ growth. The annual founding membership fee making this possible will be $100. As you are with us from the beginning, this will be your annual dues going forward ~ and we are anticipating growing together for a long, long time.
Of course, membership in this OWEL community has value far exceeding the cost, both practical and profound.
Click here to learn more about some of your membership benefits.